- On her wedding day, Chu Jiu Ling (daughter of former crown prince) discovers that the person who killed her father is her uncle (the current Emperor). Just as she decides to seek revenge, she was almost killed by her husband, an imperial guard. Fortunately, she was saved by physician Zhang Qing Shan. Chu Jiu Ling retur…
- 唱作才子向东南陷入创作瓶颈后因抄袭乌龙被迫退出娱乐圈,经纪兼助理林声以参加真人秀为由将他推入高中讲台,期间林声不断帮助他处理工作上的事宜,并充当他的情感顾问,为他出谋划策,在此期间遇到了想要守护一生的苏淇,经过长时间的相处,情感慢慢升温,最终携手相伴的故事