- In the early 1990s, the orphan Jian Ai was forced to move to Guangzhou to work. In Guangzhou, she worked as a small restaurant worker and a go-fer in a foreign trade company. With her cleverness, kindness, and daring fighting spirit, she has grown into an excellent foreign trade merchandiser and business manager. But J…
- 《虎年福见·欢喜就好 ——2022福建新春欢喜夜》从“最福建”的核心出发,打造全程外景式、影视化制作模式的特别春晚。其中青年舞蹈家李响、歌手太一、少数民族歌手阿兰、歌手阿云嘎,与台湾演员张晨光、歌手姜育恒等明星嘉宾,在福建各地上演一幕幕“贺岁大片”……结合福建文化的传承弘扬,全面展示福建人“爱拼敢赢”和“乐观豁达”的精神气…
- 金牛辞岁千仓满,玉虎迎春百业兴。2022年北京广播电视台春节联欢晚会将以“一起向春天”为主题,推出更多“接地气、冒热气、聚人气”的精品力作,进一步深入发掘京味题材,讲好北京故事、中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示可信、可爱、可敬的中国。