"No Such Thing" tells the story of a young journalist who journeys to Iceland to find her missing fiancée only to encounter a mythical creature. She eventually forges a relationship with the being.
独来独往的工厂女工汉娜(萨拉·波莉 Sarah Polley 饰),由于听力不好而总是戴着助听器。不善交际的她在工作上一直任劳任怨,终于在数年后得到了第一个假期。然而出乎众人意料的是,一时间具足无措的她居然主动放弃了这个难得的机会,自愿前往一间海上石油钻井平台,照顾一位在事故中被严重烧伤暂时失明的男人约瑟夫(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim…
作家巴里(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp饰)正处于灵感枯竭期。他每天经过公园的时候,都会看见里面有一帮小孩在嬉戏。他停下脚步来观察,原来孩子在玩海盗游戏,孩子们还热情邀请他加入海盗队伍。巴里成了一个大孩子,在队伍中虽然高出一个头,却玩得不亦乐乎——道具、角色、各色 情节、公园变成一个快乐的幻想世界。这段经历,成了巴里创作《小…
Celeste (Colette Laffont) is a computer clerk in a bank who becomes fascinated by the relationship between gold and power. Ruby (Julie Christie) is an enigmatic film star in quest of her childhood, her memories and the truth about her ow…