- 又一场狂风骤雨随着日出东方悄然逝去,粉碎了反秦联盟的刺杀行动,大秦帝国的统治表面上再次复归于平静,就仿佛昨夜什么也不曾发生。秦始皇运筹帷幄,对天下反秦势力进行了一次成功的大清洗,迫使反秦势力悄悄隐匿入广阔的江湖之中,修养生息,由此引发的焚书坑儒事件,也使秦始皇得以成功铲除异已,蜃楼也终于扬帆起航,开往海外去寻找长生不老…
- For as long as she can remember, Teng Xiao Xiao has dreamed of someday being awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. Xiao Xiao has poured her heart and soul into her work, writing for a certain magazine, doing everything she can to make that dream a reality. But when the publication is suddenly bought out by a new medi…
- 广东卫视虎年春晚将凸显粤港澳大湾区特色和岭南文化,依托广东各大专业院团创作的文艺精品,以及广东卫视《国乐大典》《流淌的歌声》《技惊四座》《粤味好功夫》《美好生活欢乐送》《见多识广》《粤语好声音》等王牌综艺IP资源,创作一批具有时代精神、思想鲜明深刻,表现手法新颖多彩的文艺节目,以“X单元秀” “网络爆款视频”的模式展开,带…