- 第二卷 神灵 发生在平息了共和城平隐会的暴乱后6个月,本季科拉将离开共和城,前往北极水族和南汽和寺,探索灵界,解决神灵与人类之间的冲突。新登场的人物除了科拉的父亲外,还有叔父unalaq以及他的双胞胎儿女,商人varric,以及初代神通wan。
- 在与查希尔一战后,三年间科拉缓慢地从当时所造成的严重伤害中复原并开始独自在世界各地旅行,企图找回与光之灵拉瓦的连结,但一直无法逃离内心恐惧的阴影。另一方面,曾担任素音保安队队长的库维拉偕同一批效忠于她的御金师整合了支离破碎的土强国,并拒绝将权力归还愚蠢的王位继承人:吴太子,她宣布即刻建立“土之帝国”。 在库维拉强硬…
- BatmanteamsupwiththeScoobyDoogangwhenvillainsfrombothoftheirworldsunitetowreakhavoconthecity.
- If there's one thing that the men of Rockford Texas love as much as their women, it's their guns. But when a gun incident at a neighborhood school spurs one stay at home mom, Jenna (Andrea Anders), to rethink Rockford's obsessive gun culture, life in this idyllic town is turned upside-down. Much to the chagrin of her h…