- 许正阳,一位曾雄心勃勃却因市场无情而跌入谷底的创业者,正站在人生的十字路口,手中紧握着来之不易的新一轮创业资金,誓要卷土重来。就在这关键时刻,一道不可思议的光芒划破了他黯淡的世界——一个神秘系统悄然降临,带来了震撼人心的消息:全球范围内,所有物价奇迹般地暴跌了一百万倍,唯有许正阳手中的资金,如同时间静止般,保持着原有的…
- Grisha, a former spoiled brat, who was a serf and became a man, after a trip to the "past" is sensitive to any injustice. And, of course, he cannot get past the lawlessness that the impudent and spoiled Katya creates. It is not surprising that soon spoiled girl finds itself in a different time.