- Because of a public service announcement (PSA) for suicide intervention, He Dun encounters a huge blow in her career as a psychologist. Feeling low, she goes out for a meal with her best friend where she accidentally runs into Jia Hui and Qian Kai Yi. Qian Kai Yi is the host of a radio program that deals with emotional…
- 70年代,香港草根西餐师傅罗一同,与好友李高山、劳金因“喜欢你”茶餐厅结缘,开启了共同打拼的岁月;而“港式靓太”甄茜美、广东“新移民”梁欢与北京姑娘夏蕾,亦在缘分交织下扎根于香港,照亮着彼此的人生。这些“小人物”和他们的家庭,经历了香港回归、金融风暴、申奥成功、非典疫情、全球金融海啸……数十年铿锵岁月,共同书写了两代人的…