在巴布亚新几内亚某地一个人迹罕见的原始丛林腹地,有一个号称洞穴之母的巨洞——伊萨·阿拉。腰缠万贯的探险家卡尔(Ioan Gruffudd 饰)一掷千金,雇用拥有丰富洞穴探险经验的弗兰克(Richard Roxburgh 饰)及其团队对这里进行勘查。转眼之间几个月过去,伊萨·阿拉的勘探虽然颇见成效,但进度仍显缓慢。与此同时,强烈的热带风暴即将到来…
1965年是马丁·路德·金与黑豹党、披头士与越战、白人在篮球领域统治天下的时代。高中女子篮球教练唐·哈金斯(Josh Lucas 饰)接到德州西部大学的聘用,虽然提供的待遇不高——一家人只能暂住男生宿舍,董事会的资助也不足以招揽高水平运动员,但由于将要执教的是一支NCAA(美国大学联盟锦标赛)第一赛区的球队,哈金斯还是承接下来并马上同助手…
The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew.
The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew. In Prince Andrew’s disastrous interview with Newsnight’s Em…
When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact that Bigfoot might actually exist, and be responsible for a string of unusual deaths in his …