搜索 Ant

  •   剧场导演法兰克(皮欧.马麦 饰)在剧场打滚了十五年,这一夜,剧组担心他的剧本太过前卫,于是瞒著他让女主角修改了台词,失控的法兰克一时抓狂,竟自己衝上台代替「女」主角演出,引发现场一团混乱,最后他还以赴汤蹈火之姿,暴跌在观众席上,同时为这场演出以及他的演艺事业划下了ENDING。万念俱灰的法兰克只想过上朝九晚五的生活、重新…
  •   本片是国内外第一部完整展示中国空军抗战的大型纪录片:从“九一八”中国空军的覆灭,到1937年“八一四”空战大捷,南京空战、武汉空战……,中日空战十年,这是人类战争史上时间最长的空中对决。  4296名不屈的灵魂,成就了一个时代的传奇。  本片摄制组行程六千公里,走访四十余名最权威专家学者、战争亲历者。空军后代。 揭密不为人…
  •   When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skies above the midwest.
  •   故事发生某繁华的城市……服装公司的设计师邵大维为参加国际服装节设计了一批中老年服装,上报到贾总经理和蔡主任……  贾总经理要求做出样装由真人试装,邵大维无意间看到了霞光中老年模特队的介绍……邵大维和模特队的赵茂存达成协议……  这个由年龄在五十以上的,大多已经退休了的中老年人组成的霞光模特队,在队长梁美娟老师的带领…
  •   The histories of classic popular movies are examined
  •   Kiia and Lauri are speeding down a dark country road, anxious to reach the hospital because Kiia has gone into premature labour. Their car hits something. Lauri goes to take a look, and tells his wife he saw nothing. They rush to the hos…
  •   Abhiram(Ram Charan) is a handsome looking NRI, who is born and brought up in London. Even though he lives abroad, Abhiram loves Indian culture and family values. One fine day, he comes to know about his dad's past which is related back t…
  •   'M'entends-tu?' is a dramatic comedy that plunges us into the unusual daily life of Ada, Fabiola and Carolanne, three long-time friends from the midst of poverty.
  •   “Secrets Of The Elephants”, which is going to be premiering on Friday, 21st April 2023 on National Geographic, with all episodes being able to stream on Earth Day on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 on Disney+ and Hulu.  Executive produced by …
  •   The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.