- Dating app,或者轉個字母叫 Eating app,皆因本世紀無數男男女女都在 app 上覓食,由餐檯上吃到床褥上,有空再約多幾次!三個單元故事,三組男女,因 dating app 以食會友,發明出 Food Buddies 的關係。 沉悶 IT 狗阿德(吳肇軒 飾)用盡一生運氣,終於得到大數據之神的憐憫,邂逅開朗女神 Asha(蘇皓兒 飾)。誤打誤撞,大數據…
- The Egyptian mega-temple at Karnak was once the political powerbase of the ancient pharaohs and the home to strange religious rituals. New discoveries of skeletons tell a story of jealousy, betrayal, and the rise of a new religion that c…
- 本剧透过轻松风趣的形式带出一个侠义传奇的故事。“如来神掌”乃至高无上之武功。当年龙剑飞以此打败天残脚后,退隐江湖,禁止龙家后人学武以免卷入江湖仇杀,且把秘笈收藏起来。 七十年后,其后人龙剑生(关礼杰)长大成人虽对武功一窍不通,但凭其聪颖机灵,亦能混迹江湖。谁知好景不常,忽有神秘高手现身江湖,大开杀戒,并公然挑战五…