- A broken FBI agent, suspended from her job and struggling with the loss of her mother, travels to the small mountain town she used to visit as a child. She is befriended by a special needs boy who possesses the extraordinary gift of healing others through his unbroken spirit and unique outlook on life. Though she is hu…
- 大漠少年郭靖随师父江南六怪下江南历练,偶遇黄药师之女黄蓉,二人卷入争夺《九阴真经》的江湖阴谋。郭靖屡遭险境,幸得洪七公、老顽童等武林高手指点,武功步步精进。西毒欧阳锋登桃花岛提亲,为夺真经掀起江湖血雨腥风。郭靖肩负重任,踏上决战华山之巅的征途。