- 职业赌徒约翰来到阿根廷被枪手追杀,黑帮老大巴林救了他,并把他收为副手。巴林在一次旅行后带回了新婚妻子姬黛。姬黛与约翰曾是一对情侣,不想竟在这种情形下相遇。他们彼此关心却彼此伤害,嘴里说着“我恨他”,心里却无时不关心着另一个的反应。姬黛达故作放荡、滥情以期激怒约翰,事实上,约翰确实被激怒了。后来巴林离开了阿根廷,姬黛与约…
- 这个大消息让好友阿树与池谷等人兴奋不已,然而拓海本人这个当事者却迟疑不决。面对即将毕业的未来,彷徨的秋季与冬季依然匆匆流过。与皇帝队须藤京一、小柏凯在沙雪与真子堪称是碓冰崖最快的Impact Blue双人组,但真子却因池谷的失约而让心情跌到了谷底。就在此时,帝王队想称霸群马县而先攻下妙义山的消息传到了真子与沙雪的耳中,而且妙义与…
- 故事发生在藤原拓海所属车队ProjectD与东堂塾在盐谷比赛的时候,池谷在关越自动车道的服务区偶然和碓冰峠最强组合“真子&沙雪”再会。因半年前的迟到而耿耿于怀的池谷这次终于下定决心要和真子道歉,可真子却先说有话要和池谷说,于是两人再次约定相见。当日,池谷为了不再重滔复撤而提前2个小时达到约定的地方,这时池谷遇上了一名迷路的老人。…
- "When participating in a technology competition, a science student, Lin Luojing, accidentally enters an XR system and is pulled into a fictionalized version of Chinese history. In order to return to the real world, she needs to find her true love and get full affection points. While living with the bossy prince, Z…
- Vì cuộc thi khoa học và công nghệ, Lin Luojing, một cô gái trong ngành khoa học và kỹ thuật, đã vô tình xâm nhập vào hệ thống XR và du hành đến Vương triều Shengyuan trong trò chơi. Nếu muốn trở lại thế giới thực, bạn phải tì…
- The two heroes of the police department, Luo Song and Gao Chuan, encounter a series of events as they investigate the accidental death of their master, Cheng Fenguha. After Cheng Fenghua's passing, Gao Chuan leaves the force but is still obsessed with the truth of the car crash that took his master away. A series of my…