Follows the story of Ruth Ellis: her lifestyle as a young nightclub manageress, her violent relationship with the man she then killed in cold blood, her arrest, trial, and subsequent legal battle to get her release before she was hanged.
The Anti-Monitor (the Monitor's evil counterpart) is released in the DC Multiverse and begins to destroy the different Earths that compose it. The Monitor attempts to recruit heroes from across the Multiverse, but is murdered.
A battle rages between Dharka and Brahma for the Trishanku Mani. Jois' death leads Ashta to alert Dharka of the stone's presence.A fake son fights the real son's dark magic to save his family.
生活唔如意﹖噢﹗萬事有大叔﹗看似成熟穩重的西裝精英林木森,為人功利現實又口甜舌滑,愛耍小聰明。在車行工作多年,接觸人多,見盡不同客戶,練就一把好口才,更成為行內 Top Sales。早年離婚的森將女兒林瑪莎的撫養權讓給太太,太太跟女兒移居美國。然而好景不常,疫情過後經濟衰退,車行決定在人工高的他身上開刀,人到中年才失業,愛充…