搜索 Eli

  •   2009年9月初的一个清晨,全世界的目光都投向了斯德哥尔摩一个不起眼的郊区。一架直升机降落在该国最安全的现金仓库的屋顶上,警方只能眼睁睁地看着劫匪带着数百万美元消失,一枪未发。《天降大劫》是一个狂热而荒谬的故事,以背叛与洗冤、恐惧与父权为中心。但也许深层含义是:一部描绘胜利或失败的快节奏伊卡洛斯故事,具有非凡意义。
  •   该片讲述一个土耳其小镇的旅店老板几周内的生活,孤独的老板对一位离开的旅客着了迷,魂牵梦绕,夜不能寐,平静地生活泛起波澜。影片很好地展现了80年代土耳其的小城风貌,本质上则是一部犯罪故事。  影片获得1987年意大利威尼斯国际电影节最佳影片FIPRESCI奖,87年法国南特国际电影节最佳导演奖,87年伊斯坦布尔国际电影节全年最佳本土电…
  •   The film centers on Joanna, a “total nut” who is wearing new motherhood so awkwardly that she remarks candidly “I’m not really a mom, I just have a baby, you know?” This new mom is also an artist who isn’t making any art, and feels tru…
  •   Keith, a defeated adult store owner, falls for a younger woman who visits his shop looking for a gift. When their relationship turns physical, Keith’s failure to perform leads him to a strange doctor who offers hope in the form of a new…
  •   A young couple is lured into the clutches of a bloodthirsty 500-year-old vampire; the exotic stranger tries to persuade them to swap partners and join his kind.
  •   Finally, Anton fell in love and married Yuni, who was also his wife's friend, Nuri. Even though Yuni and Nuri had promised not to pursue each other's partners, Nuri decided to let go because she had experienced multiple miscarriages. In …
  •   Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.
  •   Ale, a seventeen-year-old woman, lives in rural Costa Rica with her two younger siblings. Through landscapes fueled by silence, resentment and brief moments of joy, Ale will try to protect them from the seething truth, their mother has l…
  •   Attempting to put her life back together after the tragic events of the last few years, Val has found love in the arms of a new man.
  •   A costumed killer picks off cast members of a Halloween haunt attraction, bringing their gory fake injuries to life.