搜索 Fahey

  •   某年某月,沉睡超过三百年的冰岛拉基火山爆发,造成超过六百万人丧生,而随之喷出的火山灰席卷英伦乃至欧洲大陆,致令欧洲版块83\%受影响。在此之后,20亿吨的火山灰遍布欧洲上空,按照某科学家的预测,拉基火山将导致板块连锁反应,引起一连串的火山喷发。与此同时,高温先是造成极地冰块融化,海平面上升,而浓浓的火山灰遮挡太阳,又致令…
  • 影片改编自苏珊·斯卡夫·梅瑞尔小说,背景设置在上世纪60年代,讲述了一对年轻夫妇(勒曼、杨饰)搬去与美国哥特惊悚小说家雪莉·杰克逊(莫斯饰)及其丈夫(斯图巴饰)同住,他们因此卷入一场心理惊悚事件,而这也为杰克逊的下一部小说提供了素材。</p>
  • 一辆载有核子武器及致命的核废料的火车,突然间在落矶山脉下失去控制,离开正常轨道,一路疾行向科罗拉多州的丹佛市冲去,眼看一场核子浩劫即将爆发,危机能否化解?最新迷你影集「核爆列车」全长四小时,由电影「接触未来」男主角劳勃洛伊领衔主演,在剧中他饰演国家运输安全会调查员约翰斯格,为阻止这辆失控的火车,他藉由直升机降至火车顶,…
  • 这是一个机器人的故事。机器人的等级取决于制造的材料,由铜制造的罗德尼是机器人中最卑微的。但罗德尼天生并不自卑,他认为自己拥有发明家的大脑。小镇的生活虽然平静,但并不能满足罗德尼的野心,他决定前往“机器人城”拜访著名的发明家“大焊”。于是这天,罗德尼带着自己引以为傲的发明出发了。
  • A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what’s on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.
  • A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what’s on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.
  • Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A chance encounter with Delia, a young prostitute searching for an escape from her troubled past, forces Jon to confront t…
  •   Brian quickly falls in love with a woman, and after receiving devastating news regarding her cancer diagnosis, 77mi.cc he proposes marriage.