- RUSSELL MADNESS tells the story of Russell, an undersized but big-hearted terrier who dreams of having a family of his own. After running away from his pet store, Russell gets taken in by The Ferraros, a family desperate to revive their grandfather's pro wrestling arena. That's when they discover their new pet pooch ha…
- 服装业大亨本·奥古德被人绑架,侦探布莱恩·蒂龙带着好友乔治·瓦尔兹以及同事们展开营救行动。布莱恩怀疑本的妻子海伦·奥古德和弟弟大卫·奥古德有作案嫌疑。交赎金的当晚劫匪早有准备乔治·瓦尔兹殉职,本乘坐的车爆炸,化为灰烬。一怒之下,布莱恩离开警局在海边开了一家潜水用品商店。在那里他遇见了海伦。海伦家里接连发生奇怪的事情,只…