Surf Girls Hawaii follows the next generation of Native Hawaiian female surfers, as they compete at an elite level to earn a coveted spot on the World Tour of professional Surfing. This 4-part docuseries offers behind the scenes access t…
本片基于美国畅销小说家珍妮特·欧克(Janette Oke)的作品改编,2009年9月5日在Hallmark频道播出。 Belinda再一次面对生命的抉择,这次抉择并不比先前的轻松。一个非常出乎意料的责任使得她的抉择更加困难。 本片是Hallmark频道Love Comes Softly系列TV Movie的最后一部,先前的几部包括Love Comes Softly (200…
On a weekend camping trip, two struggling couples are haunted by La Patasola, a famed vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore, testing their relationships, morality, and will to survive.