- 根据全球十大真实灵异禁地云南惊马槽“阴兵借道”灵异事件改编。惊马槽是三国时诸葛亮七擒孟获时两军浴血交战火烧藤甲兵之地,村民经常看到阴兵在惊马槽厮杀混战,牲口皆绕道而行,方圆百里人迹罕至。郑力为寻找怀孕妻子,硬着头皮闯入诡异禁地惊马槽。不料深陷诸葛迷宫,种种离奇事件接踵而来,正当逃出迷宫时却意外解开了困住僵尸的封印,…
- The journals of a true NASA Arctic expedition unveils the adventure of a six-man crew's aboard an experimental vehicle designed to prepare the first human exploration of Mars. A voyage of fears and survival, hopes and dreams, through the beauties and the deadly dangers of two worlds: the High Arctic and Mars, a planet …