The House of Gaunt - Lord Voldemort Origins is a short film directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD about Voldemort origins. "The House of Gaunt" is an unofficial short film who tells about the Voldemort origins, inspired by the Har…
Nick Newell, a one-armed MMA fighter gets a rare chance to fight for the lightweight championship. He strives to win for himself and all the other people in the world with physical challenges.
While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing tr…
卢克领导着一个诈骗集团在芝加哥附近的约里埃特行骗。这天,手下人向他交了一大笔刚刚骗了的钱。不久,卢克就遭到了谋杀。原来,这笔钱是芝加哥的黑社会头目朗尼根(罗伯特•肖 Robert Shaw 饰)刚刚收回的赌款,正是这笔钱令卢克引火烧身。 胡克(罗伯特•雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)是卢克的一个手下,卢克平日待他如亲生儿子一般,生…
A son aspires to follow in his famous MMA father's footsteps, but along his journey must figure out how to break the abusive cycle, if possible, that his father has continued.