- This TV series tells the story of Tongyao, a female gamer whose boyfriend was "snatched" by video games. Because of her exceptional in-game performance and mysterious identity, she was invited to sign on as a professional gamer with the E-sports team ZGDX. Her being the first female professional gamer…
- 31-year-old Lin Yang is great at her job but still lives alone. Her life is currently stable but boring. 24-year-old Lu Zheng'an, her younger childhood neighbor, suddenly returns from studying abroad and enters Lin Yang's world. Their 24-hour interaction completely changes Lin Yang's life. Wi…
- The TV series highlights two unique occupations, firefighters and ER doctors. Together, they braved through life and death situations as they protected their one faith: to rescue those in need. Their same belief slowly brought them closer, and feelings began to develop. It is a passionate love story between two lovers …
- 北京卫视迎冬奥环球跨年冰雪盛典从圆梦、再聚、启航三大篇章出发,展开冬奥前最后一次狂欢,六大亮点、光荣时刻,实力唱将、传奇偶像助阵,叠加创意舞美,带来极致的视听盛宴。
- 《这!就是街舞4》的衍生节目,包含当期节目的大预告以及本周所有衍生节目的看点,同时还会放出独家的幕后花絮,让人在正片上线前,用几分钟的时间了解到本周街舞的最新动态。
- YUMMY家在小区内开着一家多功能宠物中心MOCO HOUSE,每天她的宠物狗MOCO作为她的得力助手都会来到这里。MOCO HOUSE对比现在(2019年)的宠物店而言,是一个接近现实又超越现实的宠物中心。