- This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the continent's diverse histories and cultures, these action-packed sci-fi and fantasy stories present bold visions of advanced technology, aliens, spirits and monsters imagi…
- 唱片业高阶主管柏翰与助理安以琪为了帮天后歌姬寻找主打歌〈最悲伤的事〉的原作曲与作词人的下落,在乐坛前辈吉哥与小猫女的神秘帮助下,揭开K张哲凯与Cream 宋媛媛这对恋人的悲伤爱情故事,以及过程中被牵连的暖男牙医杨祐贤和摄影师Cindy 的相爱相杀。