- 本想在市井中做个低调自在少年的陆小白阴差阳错之下惹上了嫉恶如仇的女捕头沈君夜。无奈之下陆小白签下“卖身契”入赘沈府,两人由最初的敌对,到相互了解,相互欣赏,然后联手擒悍匪、破悬案并收获了美好爱情。
- 阿杰是个英俊的男人,由于他黑暗的过去问题而被迫成为一名雇佣枪手。有一天,他被雇杀死一个女人。这本来是一份简单的工作,然而,由于他的目标是他前女友的姐姐索琵妲时,这种情况使事情变得复杂。这让他只有两个选择。要么保护索琵妲,要么杀了她。他会选择什么?
- Teenage boy Lin Fei was unable to practice martial arts due to a defect in his meridians. After witnessing his master and his best friend died in the battle in the Black Abyss, he began to practice an ancient art of artifact refinement. He vowed to avenge them and hunt down the leader of the Black Abyss, even if it cos…
- After numerous close calls and life-threatening ordeals, police officer Qiao Sen made friends with Tian Biyao, Huo Bingli, and others. His exceptional abilities drew the notice of a mystery organization, and soon, wicked sects began to hunt him down. Qiao Sen learned that the Heilong Society was seeking an ultimate tre…
- 《Channel少女时代》是少女时代以8人完全体回归后的首个真人秀节目,少女时代8名成员亲自参与策划并制作,节目将展示各自不同的个性和魅力。将会展现成员们准备Workshop的真实过程,亲自开车前往目的地、在超市挑选所需物品,亲力亲为模样令人期待。