搜索 Na

  •   來自喬治亞小鎮的米爾頓,在父親的教導之下,從小就開始展現出不凡的棒球才能,以投手的位置帶領隊伍拿下首次的高中聯賽州冠軍,因此知名棒球大學願意提供獎助學金讓來自貧困農家的米爾頓能夠追求棒球夢,米爾頓這位5A等級最有價值球員一進大學就立刻取代了雷恩的先發投手位置,而雷恩在父親給予的壓力之下選擇輕生,於此同時,米爾頓的父親…
  •   To escape a serial killer, a single mom and her daughter enter witness protection, only to find their lives in greater danger than ever.
  •   Susi Susanti rises to become Indonesia’s beloved athlete. In time of turmoil, she showed her country & the world that heroism is measured by one’s sacrifice.
  •   Jack (Peter Vack) is an internet gambler living in NYC. After the death of his roommate, he becomes fixated on Scarlet (Julia Fox) - a cam girl from San Francisco. His obsession reaches a boiling point when fantasy materializes in realit…
  •   When a team of scientists on the verge of a medical breakthrough are mysteriously murdered, two agents must protect the remaining survivor while trying to unravel the plot behind the assassinations.
  •   16岁的曼纽尔(Manuel)生活在一个沿海小镇。他和几个最好的朋友一起组建了一个乐队并在乐队里弹奏贝斯。乐队的其中一个成员是费利佩(Felipe),曼纽尔与他从小就保持着深厚的友谊。曼纽尔正在和阿苏尔(Azul)约会,他们在热烈的情感中不断探索。但当他们第一次在一起的时候,曼纽尔却有了一些全新的认知与感受,他开始以不同的眼光看待事…
  •   After a spectacularly botched spook show, Hui Buh receives a plea for help from the young witch Ophelia. She is trying to keep a powerful spell-book out of the hands of the ruthless witch Erla.
  •   Louis is a brooding loner who lives with two large white dogs in a forest near the French-Swiss border. His estranged son Sidney lives with his wife in a village nearby. Louis is carrying on an affair with the local pharmacist and carryi…
  •   【STORY】  「我们没有翅膀」是在去年1月推出的ADV美少女游戏,故事分章节构成,由三组的男主角和女主角各自构成的4个章节故事。故事的舞台发生在随处可见的大都市——巨大的商业街上有很多的人和建筑物——柳木原,敍述著有普通烦恼的和不普通烦恼的年轻人。他们相遇了,之后也恋 爱了。  虽然动画的故事发展会否跟随游戏暂时没有办法…
  •   香子欣(李丽珍 饰)、舒屏屏(陈法蓉 饰)、陈可人(陈炜 饰)、孙琳琳(田蕊妮 饰),四位各具风情的美女抱着不同的梦想与目的,参加了选美比赛,最终,舒屏屏夺得了头筹。之后,屏屏遇见了名为屠楚雄(任达华 饰)的富商,两人之间产生了感情,然而,屠楚雄是有妇之夫,他的妻子宝琴(江美仪 饰)的存在让这段感情注定走不到最后。  香…