- This TV series tells the story of Tongyao, a female gamer whose boyfriend was "snatched" by video games. Because of her exceptional in-game performance and mysterious identity, she was invited to sign on as a professional gamer with the E-sports team ZGDX. Her being the first female professional gamer…
- On her wedding day, Chu Jiu Ling (daughter of former crown prince) discovers that the person who killed her father is her uncle (the current Emperor). Just as she decides to seek revenge, she was almost killed by her husband, an imperial guard. Fortunately, she was saved by physician Zhang Qing Shan. Chu Jiu Ling retur…
- The TV series highlights two unique occupations, firefighters and ER doctors. Together, they braved through life and death situations as they protected their one faith: to rescue those in need. Their same belief slowly brought them closer, and feelings began to develop. It is a passionate love story between two lovers …
- 《2022江苏卫视跨年演唱会》以“用奋斗点亮幸福”为主题,首次设计了八个致敬篇章,把聚焦主题主线、呼应时代话题、传递社会正能量的元素融合到晚会内容当中,从晚会篇章设计、艺人及素人邀请、歌曲选择和歌词内容等方面策划。晚会以真唱、实力、技术、温度为特色,在凝聚节庆情感、促进文化交流、传播时代强音的同时,传递正能量。
- 北京卫视迎冬奥环球跨年冰雪盛典从圆梦、再聚、启航三大篇章出发,展开冬奥前最后一次狂欢,六大亮点、光荣时刻,实力唱将、传奇偶像助阵,叠加创意舞美,带来极致的视听盛宴。
- 《虎年福见·欢喜就好 ——2022福建新春欢喜夜》从“最福建”的核心出发,打造全程外景式、影视化制作模式的特别春晚。其中青年舞蹈家李响、歌手太一、少数民族歌手阿兰、歌手阿云嘎,与台湾演员张晨光、歌手姜育恒等明星嘉宾,在福建各地上演一幕幕“贺岁大片”……结合福建文化的传承弘扬,全面展示福建人“爱拼敢赢”和“乐观豁达”的精神气…
- 广东卫视虎年春晚将凸显粤港澳大湾区特色和岭南文化,依托广东各大专业院团创作的文艺精品,以及广东卫视《国乐大典》《流淌的歌声》《技惊四座》《粤味好功夫》《美好生活欢乐送》《见多识广》《粤语好声音》等王牌综艺IP资源,创作一批具有时代精神、思想鲜明深刻,表现手法新颖多彩的文艺节目,以“X单元秀” “网络爆款视频”的模式展开,带…