- "在Janeway和Picard之前, 在Sisko, Spock和Kirk之前,还有第一组探索宇宙的船员,他们为后人铺平了道路。最后的边疆... 有了一个新的开始. Enterprise进取号."-- 摘自UPN(派拉蒙联合电视网)2001年夏季的宣传材料 本剧是星际旅行系列电视剧的最新一部,但故事的源头却很古老,故事开始于星际旅行历代剧目之前,可以说是星际旅行…
- 四季如春的离岛志木那岛,五岛医生诊疗所的各位和岛民们的温馨故事继续上演。当地人最为重视的丰渔节即将举行,大家凑在一起有一搭无一搭聊天,探讨该如何让五岛健助(吉冈秀隆 饰)医生长久留在当地。在准备祭典期间,被星野正一(小林薰 饰)形容为“铁做女人”的妻子星野昌代(朝加真由美 饰)突然病倒,虽经五岛全力救治,却还留下了后…
- Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.