一家由黑帮操控的地下扑克赌场,突遇三名悍匪抢劫。赌场老大如临大敌,势要找出幕后黑手。他们找来得力干将杰基·科恩(布拉德·皮特饰)介入调查,让他来找出肇事者重整地下秩序。作为一名老练的赏金猎人,杰基性情孤冷而深藏不露。本来这场由三个毛头小混混设计的抢钱计划,笨拙到一望而知,可赌场管理人马基(雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta饰…
Story of a wealthy prince who travels to the US to live as an exchange student. While living in anonymity, the prince strikes up an unlikely friendship.
Story of a wealthy prince who travels to the US to live as an exchange student. While living in anonymity, the prince strikes up an unlikely friendship.