- Yern, a bus driver, Lay, his cross-eyed best friend, and Peh, a crippled woman who sells fish at the local market are all sick of being poor. They feel the only way they will ever have a chance to be rich is to join the gang of Mafia godfather, Boss Tod. The threesome is assigned by Boss Tod to kidnap a millionaire's s…
- 由二次元人气萌妹主持人——土豆动漫日本特派记者软软冰带领大家感受日本最独特的二次元宅文化!从秋叶原女仆咖啡厅到NICONICO超会议现场,从各大动漫周边生产企业到动画制作公司,我们都会带您一一探秘。
- nonopanda,又称无知熊猫,熊猫nono,是近来流行在qq、论坛上的一系列搞怪表情和头像。他时常做出夸张、可爱、无厘头的表情,让人忍俊不禁,吸引了很多年轻网友热捧,是兔斯基、潘斯特、洋葱头等等热门头像之外又一个网络流行头像。 动画以恶搞的形式,让熊猫NONO变身各种各样经典人物,据云是作者在向名作致敬。