- 讲述了在美丽的内蒙古大草原上,色盲少年阿云嘎不慎弄坏了妹妹阿娜尔的近视眼镜,因为家境贫困,阿云嘎不敢告诉母亲塔娜弄坏眼镜的事。阿云嘎苦恼无钱给妹妹买新的眼镜,于是伙同小伙伴们开展了一系列的“挣钱”行动......母亲塔娜得知此事后,用一件件小事教育阿云嘎。阿云嘎认识到错误后,无奈之下,又做出了新的决定......
- Ava's life is dictated by rules. Coming of age in Iran, she faces pressure to conform to the expectations of her parents, her school, and her friends. When Ava learns that her parents were once flagrant rule breakers themselves, she begins to rebel against the very foundations of her society. AVA masterfully demonstrat…