搜索 Ren

  • 在家族遊艇上,莎曼沙每夜都過著痛不欲生的日子,警報器的信息成為悚然的夢魘,邪惡的力量控制她不斷自殘,陷入黑暗深淵而無法逃脫。遺失的記憶和心理壓力讓她懷疑謀殺案的兇手是…自己?
  • Mara Lorbeer, a fifteen year old girl, finds out that she has to save the world because the Norse god Loki is threatening to break free of his chains.
  • 在法王路易十六时期,各种社会矛盾日益激化,新兴的资产阶级同情农民疾苦,受到巴黎雅各宾派的影响,阿尔诺带领马赛港的市民设计夺取了要塞,得到了武器,并驱逐了公爵,他们举行集会通过决议组织500名义勇军进军巴黎去搭救同情改革的议员,马赛市民积极参军,高唱着马赛曲向进发。途中他们受到了拥护共和的人民的欢迎也和顽固的保皇党进行了战…
  • 两次金棕榈得主、丹麦导演比利·奥古斯特新片《The Passion ion ofMarie》,讲述丹麦历史上两位著名画家Peder SeverinKroyer和妻子Marie之间的故事。在凭借《征服者佩尔》摘得奥斯卡最佳外语片、金棕榈以及金球奖扬名国际之后,奥古斯特一直在外国拍片,1992年瑞典语的《善意的背叛》再次摘得金棕榈奖,而《ThePassion ofMari…
  • 故事讲述70年代的马德里,马诺洛和坎德拉带着三个孩子和祖父费尔明定居在马拉萨尼亚的马德里附近。这一举动意味着他们抛弃过去以及在城镇中的生活。马德里是一个全面过渡的大城市,也是正在寻找的繁荣的好地方。但是,奥尔梅多一家人不知道的是,他们买的房子将成为他们最糟糕的噩梦。
  • When thinking about this film, several words come to mind: cliched, contrived, and confusing, to name a few. In most suspense thrillers, the audience finds itself yelling out advice to the main characters, such as "don't go into the basement- the bad guy is there" or "save yourself! don't go back for you…
  • When thinking about this film, several words come to mind: cliched, contrived, and confusing, to name a few. In most suspense thrillers, the audience finds itself yelling out advice to the main characters, such as "don't go into the basement- the bad guy is there" or "save yourself! don't go back for you…
  • 本片讲述了在抗日战争时期,一群爱国志士展现民族大义,救民于水火之中,尽显英雄本色......
  • 泰勒和罗根是一对小兄弟,弟弟罗根突发奇想,决定要去拍一部电影。这个看似无法实现的想法遭到了学校里伙伴们和父母的反对,于是,罗根开始求助于事事都可以依靠的哥哥泰勒。然而这个梦想实现起来远远比他想象的困难多了。一次次的失败让洛根开始动摇,哥哥开始想尽一切办法帮助弟弟实现梦想,甚至去冒险。这也彻底改变了兄弟俩的关系.
  • When Maggie Dolan - Young, who works in a legal aid center in Chicago, hears here father Frank Dolan is in mortal danger, she returns after years to her birthplace, Hidden Lake; he recently retired as sheriff and apparently shot himself deer-hunting, but an autopsy shows he was murdered. Then she learns from reporter Z…