A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting connected through the television set during a similar storm in the present
Six months after Wujing's escape from custody, Reddington secretly resurfaces in Manhattan midst an explosion. When a ex mke6.com Blacklister is found at the scene, the Task Force begins to investigate a larger conspiracy at game.
在这个世界上,有许多人从事杀手的行业。有的人杀人需要几天时间,有的只需花几分钟,而有的却用好几年。很不幸,倒霉的大胖子杰克(Paul Clemens 饰)就是最后这一种杀手的狩猎目标。如往常一样,杰克行走在回家的路上,突然一个全身穿着黑色紧身衣、面容惨败狰狞的怪异男子(Brian Rohan 饰)冲到他的身后,用一把汤匙猛敲杰克的身体。杰克起…