Picking up six months after the events of season 1, the next chapter of "The Hardy Boys" finds Frank and Joe tackling another complicated mystery when a local Bridgeport teen goes missing and a shadowy corporation moves into to…
Welcome to a secret world where pups learn to be a human's best friend: PUP ACADEMY. Follow three unlikely puppies - and their human friends - as they work together to discover the power of friendship and create everlasting bonds between…
杰西卡·查斯坦将主演乡村音乐女王塔米·温妮特(Tammy Wynette)的传记限定剧《乔治和塔米》(George & Tammy,暂译)。该剧改编自乔治·琼斯和塔米的女儿乔琪莎·琼斯撰写的书籍《The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George》,讲述了这对乡村音乐眷侣六年的婚姻生活,以及在此期间创作的金曲《We’re Gonna Hold…
一段名为《和豚说话的女孩》(The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins)的纪录片将于6月17日在英国广播公司(BBC)播出。 美国研究员霍韦(Margaret Howe)于上世纪60年代参与一项动物实验,尝试教导6岁大的樽鼻海豚彼得(Peter)说英语,希望证实海豚具有如人类般的语言能力。虽然彼得的学习成果有限,却意外爱上了与它朝夕相处的霍韦,编织出一…