素食者史蒂芬(爱德华·霍格 Edward Hogg 饰)在室内蜗居一年,将过往的所有票据破烂都分门归类收集起来,直到储藏的所有素食盒饭都被老鼠毁掉,不得不出门为止。无法抗拒出门恐惧的史蒂芬从“螃蟹船长”连锁店叫了一份素菜烩外卖,回忆起一年前他和朋友邦尼(西蒙·法纳比 Simon Farnaby 饰)在赌马获胜后一起坐火车出游欧洲,在波兰遇到“螃蟹…
第一部纪录Raf Simons 入主巴黎老牌时装屋Christian Dior 迪奥的纪录片将于4月17日Tribeca Film Festival 翠贝卡电影节期间作全球首映,并参与Tribeca 翠贝卡世界纪录片竞赛单元。 名为《Dior et moi(英译Dior and I,中译Dior 与我)》的纪录电影追踪了Raf Simons 加盟Christian Dior 迪奥后创造首个高级定…
After discovering a disturbing video from a night she doesn't remember, sixteen-year-old Mandy must try to figure out what happened and how to navigate the escalating fallout.
<p>本片讲述了意大利黑手党格莫拉的5个故事:13岁男童托托(萨尔瓦多•阿布鲁兹Salvatore Abruzzese 饰)近墨者黑,逐渐堕落;马可(马可•马克尔 Marco Macor 饰)和希罗(希罗•帕冲Ciro Petrone 饰)一心想称霸,结果横尸街头;因为丈夫涉黑,妻子玛利亚(玛利亚•纳棕娜丽 Maria Nazionale 饰)锒铛入狱,她把孩子托…
The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restores stability to his life, but it will soon result in political shenanigans of all kinds.