- 本剧的舞台是前作的1年后,去年夏天疫情平复,烟花大会终于顺利举行,星太郎和光都过着匆忙的日子。之后因为某种理由,本该接替航成为第5代店主的星太郎自甘堕落地宅家,导致望月烟火店停业了。而光去了其他店帮忙而技术进一步提升,就在这时,久违的航出现在了两人的面前。星太郎和航因为停业危机而吵架时,神秘的女性野口富美加突然来访。她不…
- It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. She's learned a thing or two from her first go-round - namely what her audience wants, they shall get. It's time for her to turn the heat up on what's been simmering.…
- It’s a new trimester for the suitemates – Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, and Leighton – which means the girls have to navigate new experiences and challenges. From creators Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, season 2 returns November 17 with mor…