- 这是一部关于艺人杨千嬅的纪录电影,内容记录了杨千嬅由1995年初出道工作、到结婚为人妻、再成为妈妈的人生心路历程当中有她饰演过的电影,如《新扎师妹》、《行运超人》、《志明与春娇》等等;也有她的音乐作品,音乐特辑,个人演唱会剪辑;同时纪录了杨千嬅于音乐和电影上夺奖的重要时刻。
- 本想在市井中做个低调自在少年的陆小白阴差阳错之下惹上了嫉恶如仇的女捕头沈君夜。无奈之下陆小白签下“卖身契”入赘沈府,两人由最初的敌对,到相互了解,相互欣赏,然后联手擒悍匪、破悬案并收获了美好爱情。
- 70年代,香港草根西餐师傅罗一同,与好友李高山、劳金因“喜欢你”茶餐厅结缘,开启了共同打拼的岁月;而“港式靓太”甄茜美、广东“新移民”梁欢与北京姑娘夏蕾,亦在缘分交织下扎根于香港,照亮着彼此的人生。这些“小人物”和他们的家庭,经历了香港回归、金融风暴、申奥成功、非典疫情、全球金融海啸……数十年铿锵岁月,共同书写了两代人的…
- 本想在市井中做个低调自在少年的陆小白阴差阳错之下惹上了嫉恶如仇的女捕头沈君夜。无奈之下陆小白签下“卖身契”入赘沈府,两人由最初的敌对,到相互了解,相互欣赏,然后联手擒悍匪、破悬案并收获了美好爱情。
- My master asks me to go down the mountain to the secular world. To fulfill his last wish, I get married and live with my wife's family as an appendage. People call me a loser, but who could imagine I'm an incomparable sword master? I don't care how people look at me. I'm living with my wife's family, so what? I will sh…
- After numerous close calls and life-threatening ordeals, police officer Qiao Sen made friends with Tian Biyao, Huo Bingli, and others. His exceptional abilities drew the notice of a mystery organization, and soon, wicked sects began to hunt him down. Qiao Sen learned that the Heilong Society was seeking an ultimate tre…