- After numerous close calls and life-threatening ordeals, police officer Qiao Sen made friends with Tian Biyao, Huo Bingli, and others. His exceptional abilities drew the notice of a mystery organization, and soon, wicked sects began to hunt him down. Qiao Sen learned that the Heilong Society was seeking an ultimate tre…
- 《Unpretty Rapstar3》是由12名女性rapper组成的淘汰赛节目,由Miryo、陆智谭、JeonSoYeon、河珠妍、YUNAKIM、Nada、GRACE、GiantPink、Janey、Kassy(已淘汰)、Ash-B(后加入)、CoolKid(后加入)12位女rapper组成,《UnprettyRapstar》接续《Show Me The Money5》于7月中播出 [3] ,实力派女rapper们展…