- Wang Fan, who masters the original technique of martial arts, Empyrean Xuan Knack, used to be just a common student in the Golden Academy. However, to revenge for his senior, he put on the Silver Tiger King Mask, and since then, the name of Silver Tiger King has been dominating the world. I’m Wang Fan. Wang stands for …
- 为了生动体现大湾区建设发展的成就,以及粤港澳三地民众的获得感、幸福感和安全感,广东广播电视台拟在往年珠江频道粤语春晚的基础上,策划制作一台以粤港澳大湾区和东南亚粤语观众为收视对象的特别节目,以此作为别致“年夜饭”,与湾区人和全球粤语人喜迎新春,欢度除夕。