- Yern, a bus driver, Lay, his cross-eyed best friend, and Peh, a crippled woman who sells fish at the local market are all sick of being poor. They feel the only way they will ever have a chance to be rich is to join the gang of Mafia godfather, Boss Tod. The threesome is assigned by Boss Tod to kidnap a millionaire's s…
- 32岁的许晗在上海工作了八年,他疲惫不堪,想回老家,到乡下找老同学沈欢歌,偶遇杜笑语,并一见钟情。沈欢歌已经暗恋杜笑语十年,杜笑语决定辞职回家开办农场,许晗觉得办民宿不错就租下了杜笑语家的老房子,开办起了民宿。因为杜笑语老爸贪便宜,把杜笑语的果树都给用除草剂烧死了,许晗给出了主意搞无土水培。这时沈欢歌患了重病,他要许晗保…