- 东京峰会召开在即,为了确保会议顺利进行,日本警方出动约两万名警力对位于东京湾的超大设施“海洋边缘”进行安保工作。可就在严密的防控下,此地已然发生了爆炸案。令柯南(高山南 配音)等人始料未及的是,现场居然留下了对毛利小五郎(小山力也 配音)极其不利的证据。在此之后,小五郎 遭到逮捕。柯南则发现安室透曾出现在爆炸现场,并且负…
- In the middle of Nowheresville lives 16-year-old Mike who wants out of his crappy life - permanently! Spending his time devising ways to do himself in, he considers the fatal brain tumor in his head as a godsend. That changes when he meets a girl and falls in love for the first time - without even knowing what love is.