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  • YUMMY家在小区内开着一家多功能宠物中心MOCO HOUSE,每天她的宠物狗MOCO作为她的得力助手都会来到这里。这里会迎来很多性格各异的萌宠,他们跟MOCO分享,或来寻求解方,或纯粹就是来消磨时间……就这样,MOCO和这些萌宠朋友们在MOCO HOUSE,一起经历着各种日常大小事。
  • 在一个充满神奇魔法的王国里,住了一个名叫Sofia的小女孩,Sofia在村子里和她的母亲Miranda一起工作干活,过着简单快乐的生活。然而在一个命中注定的日子里,她们被国王罗伦二世召见,罗伦国王与Miranda一见钟情,于是他们很快便结了婚。而Sofia也跟着妈妈搬到了城堡,她该如何学会当一名公主呢?\r\n
  • 女孩Catherine(梁峥饰)天性反叛,天资优厚,被CIA的特工训练科看中,招至鞍下。Catherine接受的不是普通的特工训练,而是全身的改造,经过改造她成为了高科技的新人类,代号“黑猫”。从此Catherine成为CIA手中的王牌杀人工具,她的目标无一能幸免。在某项任务中,Catherine被派往香港工作,从而认识了鸟类保护区的科学主任Allen。正直善…
  • 无敌破坏王生活在一个八十年代出品的低精度游戏中。他的设定身份是一个反派,每天的生活就是在游戏中大搞破坏。破坏王厌倦了自己的生活,眼看阿修被胜利者的光环围绕,他终于决定改变。
  • 那些年我们追过的韩综《我们结婚了》,一对对假想夫妻让人感叹,我追的CP一定是真的!
  • 织姬进了一护的卧房疗伤告白后,便与乌尔奇奥拉前往了虚圈。隔天一护发现身上残留织姬的灵压并察觉事情有异,受日番谷冬狮郎告知,前往聆听浮竹十四郎的紧急通报,并得知织姬被破面掳走一事。由于织姬的残留迹象,护廷十三队总队长将此认定井上织姬主动背叛,拒绝给予支援。但一护不顾总队长的命令,坚持要救出织姬。并与石田雨龙、茶渡泰虎在浦…
  • Jiang Wen Jing's dream is to become a prosecutor. She successfully gets accepted into the public prosecutor's office and under the guidance of fellow colleagues Yin Chuan and Yu Kai Yin, takes on many difficult cases that help her grow into a successful prosecutor.
  • In the early 1990s, the orphan Jian Ai was forced to move to Guangzhou to work. In Guangzhou, she worked as a small restaurant worker and a go-fer in a foreign trade company. With her cleverness, kindness, and daring fighting spirit, she has grown into an excellent foreign trade merchandiser and business manager. But J…
  • Because of a public service announcement (PSA) for suicide intervention, He Dun encounters a huge blow in her career as a psychologist. Feeling low, she goes out for a meal with her best friend where she accidentally runs into Jia Hui and Qian Kai Yi. Qian Kai Yi is the host of a radio program that deals with emotional…