- 《The TaeTiSeo》是一档由少女时代小分队TTS的金泰妍、黄美英与徐贤出演的真人秀节目。介绍倍受少女们喜爱的TaeTiSeo的吃、穿、玩等所有一切,公开20多岁女生可爱又时尚的日常生活。节目中播出TaeTiSeo会做什么、三人在一起时又会谈论些什么话题、会去什么地方等内容。 是sone最值得收藏的节目之一。
- The two heroes of the police department, Luo Song and Gao Chuan, encounter a series of events as they investigate the accidental death of their master, Cheng Fenguha. After Cheng Fenghua's passing, Gao Chuan leaves the force but is still obsessed with the truth of the car crash that took his master away. A series of my…
- Vì cuộc thi khoa học và công nghệ, Lin Luojing, một cô gái trong ngành khoa học và kỹ thuật, đã vô tình xâm nhập vào hệ thống XR và du hành đến Vương triều Shengyuan trong trò chơi. Nếu muốn trở lại thế giới thực, bạn phải tì…
- 京东和芒果TV《密室大逃脱》联合打造,一场前所未有的多人沉浸式探秘晚会!高能故事设定、超级明星阵容、花式密室机关、重磅福利加持,6月17日20:00锁定京东直播、芒果TV, 等你开局!
- On the day that Taiqing Sect of Yunling Mountain holds the immortality ceremony for Su Ruoxue and Liu Fei, Shen Lang casts the Nine Blood Spirits spell to transform himself into the Thunder Roc with wing span of 1,000 meters, and fights and eliminates the majority of disciples of the Sect. To Shen Lang’s shock, Su Ruox…
- Wang Fan, who masters the original technique of martial arts, Empyrean Xuan Knack, used to be just a common student in the Golden Academy. However, to revenge for his senior, he put on the Silver Tiger King Mask, and since then, the name of Silver Tiger King has been dominating the world. I’m Wang Fan. Wang stands for …
- 在“超高校级的绝望”带来的“人类史上最大最恶的绝望事件”之下,世界陷入了濒临崩坏的绝境。为了拯救这个充满绝望的世界,“未来机关”结成了。打倒了江之岛盾子的苗木诚等78期生,加入了未来机关。他们在此继续复兴世界的活动,但苗木却被问以庇护“绝望的残党”这一叛逆之罪。未来机关众人为了苗木的处分而聚集在一起,却遭到黑白熊的监禁,…
- 讲述与魔刀合为一体的少年凯的残酷命运。在森林中神秘死亡的女子身边,留下了刚刚出生的悲剧男子凯。他被刀匠亚门收养,成为了亚门的弟子。十多年后,凯在锻造时不幸失去了右手,于是亚门把代代相传的魔刀"死龙"熔化,为凯锻造出一只义手。与魔性武器合为一体的少年凯在后来惊心动魄的冒险和战斗中,见证了"…