- 南海一战后,唐三藏等人的西行之旅仍在继续。孙悟空进入阴界转世,敖雪则被龙族宣判处以极刑,绝境之时被古龙所救却遇新危机。与此同时,西行小队重遇牛魔王,与野牛一族共同迎战!西行再续,险象环生,暗魂不归,谁能扭转乾坤?
- On Christmas Eve in 1968 six-year-old army brat Clairee simultaneously learns the hard truth about Santa Claus and the realities of war. Her bullying older brother Mickey informs her that Santa insn't real and that their absent father is actually far away, serving his country in the Vietnam War
- 网络大电影青春喂了狗2-《不一样的烟火》延续《青春喂了狗1》校园青春的路线,主要讲述一群体育特长生在豆蔻年华中情窦初开、为了梦想而奔跑的故事。通过“田径跑步”、“跑酷”等运动元素,给青春片注入了更多的活力和激情……