搜索 张力

  • 创世晶石危机一触即发,为了阻止地球毁灭,奥特曼选择了看似平凡的小男孩乐乐作为自己的人间体,面对重重挑战,原本调皮捣蛋的小屁孩在奥特曼的引导下,成为拯救地球的关键人物,而奥特曼超能力的秘密也逐渐被揭晓……
  • 该剧聚焦消防员与急诊医生两种特殊职业。在一次次生死考验中,“火焰蓝”与“天使白”携手并肩,在各自的“战场”上坚守同样的救援信仰,相同的信念让他们渐渐相识相爱,诠释了既是情侣也是战友的炽热爱情。
  • The TV series highlights two unique occupations, firefighters and ER doctors. Together, they braved through life and death situations as they protected their one faith: to rescue those in need. Their same belief slowly brought them closer, and feelings began to develop. It is a passionate love story between two lovers …