- 考入重点高中的白一涵,被高冷学霸林星泽所吸引,在闺蜜周小雨的帮助下,渐渐引起了林星泽的注意。与此同时,从国外转学回来的杨天然和白一涵相识,漫长的青春岁月,白一涵、林星泽、杨天然展开了一段感情纠葛,青春年少的时光逝去,成年的他们,命运又走向了不同的结局。
- Jiang Wen Jing's dream is to become a prosecutor. She successfully gets accepted into the public prosecutor's office and under the guidance of fellow colleagues Yin Chuan and Yu Kai Yin, takes on many difficult cases that help her grow into a successful prosecutor.
- For as long as she can remember, Teng Xiao Xiao has dreamed of someday being awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. Xiao Xiao has poured her heart and soul into her work, writing for a certain magazine, doing everything she can to make that dream a reality. But when the publication is suddenly bought out by a new medi…