- 影片讲述了嫦娥与后羿为解救人间危难而面对的一系列艰难困苦的故事为出发点,两人在互相帮助的过程中,产生了真挚的爱情。为了人间大爱,后羿与嫦娥舍弃两人之间的小爱,用实践验证“坚持内心的正确方向,即使前方道路黑暗、困难,依然坚定信念,相信前途光明,并为此努力奋斗、坚持不懈”。\r\n看点:\r\n
- The two heroes of the police department, Luo Song and Gao Chuan, encounter a series of events as they investigate the accidental death of their master, Cheng Fenguha. After Cheng Fenghua's passing, Gao Chuan leaves the force but is still obsessed with the truth of the car crash that took his master away. A series of my…