- Like every year, Jim, Ray, Brad and Paul leave the town for a week to go hunting in the woods. But this year everything is different: There's not a single animal to be found, the whole forest has fallen quiet. Two female campers they meet have mysteriously disappeared the next day, leaving their whole equipment behind.…
- 当英国军队看起来要击败墨索里尼的意大利军队时,希特勒派出了增援部队;由隆美尔将军领导的非洲军团。在英国指挥官蒙哥马利制定出击溃对手的计划之前,"沙漠之狐 "一直处于胜利状态。美国人在北非登陆后,轴心国军队别无选择,只能投降,结束了沙漠战争。