- 摇滚明星的私生子、曾在阿富汗失去了一条腿的退伍军人科莫兰・斯特莱克(Cormoran meijubar.net Strike),如今开了一家破破烂烂的侦探事务所。大学心理学肄业的罗宾・艾拉科特(Robin Ellacott)偶然来到这间事务所做临时雇员,一下子就喜欢上了 这份工作。独腿侦探和能干的助手配合默契,开始解决一桩桩疑点重重的案件…… 本剧改编自 J…
- Three Plebs join the army in peace-time, hoping to win respect, romance and military discounts at selected restaurants. But when war's declared they're sent to fight on the front line of a Roman legion for a cause they don't believe in. Now their main interest is the struggle for survival.