- As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war.
- As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war.
- 飞行员吉斯、斯万和他们的伙伴们效力于银河星系联盟,他们分别驾驶黑、赤、青、黄、绿五头机器狮,五狮合体后能成为巨大机器人“百兽王”,用光芒神剑一次次击败魔王扎克的进攻,他们还来到阿拉斯星球,和阿劳拉公主一起,打击邪恶,捍卫正义
- 企图占领地球的咒冥帝被打败掉进一座黑洞监狱——幽冥狱,发现了北斗星王关押着的三十六天罡星机械兽!咒冥帝便利用自己仅存的能力将机械兽逐一传送到地球夺取天罡星盘,企图利用天罡星盘帮助自己逃离黑洞。地球的守护卫士神兽战队的超人们获得了更强的星甲力量升级为神兽星甲战队,为保护地球与机械兽们展开了一场又一场的战斗!……