搜索 凯特·托德

  • Sarah returns to school for the new school year only this time as a vampire. With her reappearance back on the scene, strange things begin to occur. The Council 77mi.cc begins to suspect either Sarah or Ethan and they go through great lengths to clear their names and to survive.
  • 《吸血鬼保姆》是一部加拿大电视剧,该剧已在加拿大,法国,美国依次上映。该剧剧情紧接其同名电视电影。电影中,Ethan发现自己可以通过接触一样东西,而看见幻影,类似于我们所说的通灵者。而他的好朋友Benny居然是一个魔术师,虽然他的咒语总是会出现不一样的后果,每次都需要他的魔法师奶奶来收拾烂摊子。阴差阳错成为Ethan保姆的Sarah…