Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), …
广袤的银河系,已经被名为巴里萨利斯(艾德·斯克林 Ed Skrein 饰)的暴君所统治,并建立起庞大而残酷的帝国。位于银河系边缘的一座殖民星球,人们过着拮据贫苦的生活。这一天,帝国军舰突然出现在星球上空,狂暴的军官出现在人民面前,他不顾当地人的生计和死活,命令他们在规定时间内交够足够的粮食。军官走后,留下一队士兵监督人民劳作。谁…
A young aspiring writer discovers secrets about her family's past when she finds herself mysteriously being pulled back and forth in time to a 19th century plantation.