- 主人公京乃まどか是一名从心底热爱故乡千叶县鸭川之海的17岁女高中生,同时也是以帮助遇到困难的人为己任的“鸭女jersey部”的唯一社员。直到遇见了从宇宙来的不可思议美少女ラン,忽然向京乃提出了“能不能驾驶机器人”的要求,她的日常生活起了波澜,为了保护鸭川而与宇宙来的敌人战斗!本作的原作是Production IG,不过动画制作则是由X…
- An investment banker (Paul Mercurio) travels to Louisiana to snag the account of an eccentric millionaire (Malcolm McDowell) but gets involved with his lusty wife, Mardi Gras, and (possibly) a satanic cult. The events in and around New Orleans change him forever and give a new slant on The American Dream.